The Director General, Nigeria Meteorological Agency, ((NiMet), Prof Mansur Bako Matazu has been appointed as member of the Governing Board of National Oil Spill Detection And Response Agency (NOSDRA).
This followed the request from the Minister of Environment and subsequent approval by the Minister of Aviation.
The approval was contained in a letter to the Minister of Environment and signed on behalf of the Minister of Aviation by the Director (Human Resource Management) of the Ministry of Aviation.
“I am directed to refer to your letter No FMENV/PRS/1782/1/18 dated 29th March, 2023 on the above subject and convey the approval of the Honourable Minister of Aviation for the Director General of Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NiMet), Prof. Mansur Bako Matazu to serve on the Governing Board of the National Oil Spill Detection And Response Agency (NOSDRA).”
By this appointment, Prof. Matazu is expected to bring his wealth of knowledge and experience to bear.