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FAAN jacks up PSC to N2,000 for domestic and $100 for international with Minister’s consent

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The Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria, FAAN, has jacked up its Passengers Service Charge, PSC to N2,000 for domestic and international  $100 effective 1st August, 2020.

The previous charge for domestic was N1,000 while that of international was $50.
The increment and intention to implement the new charges was communicated to the Airline Operators Committee in a memo titled: Implementation of Approved New Passenger (PSC)Effective 1st August, 2020.

According to the memo dated 22nd June and signed by the Managing Director FAAN, Captain Hamish Yadudu”the implementation of the new PSC is premised on the approval given by  the Minister of Aviation in the attached letter referenced  FMT/FMA/COM/T/69 dated 3re August, 2017,  which was sought with the intention to improve and upgrade the airport infrastructure among others.”

“We recently notified the Honorable Minister of Aviation of our intention to commence the implementation effective 1st August, 2020.”

The memo read, “Suffice to mention that on several occasions, we had engaged NCAA and relevant stakeholders which delayed the implementation date.””Some of the engagement are as follows:Setting up of an in-house committee to come up with strategies for smooth implementation, Sensitization of the general public (press etc),Engagement of stakeholders, airlines etc.”

The FAAN boss went on to justified the increase, “It is pertinent to mention that the cap on the value of the PSC is outdated as the review of the PSC on domestic route from N350 to N1,000 and from $35 to $50 on the international route was on May 1st, 2011 and 21st March, 2011 respectively (NINE YEARS AGO). This does not correlate with the prevailing economic situation and the index to meet the needs of today and future growth in passenger traffic and Airport Development most especially for the Airport to upgrade to post COVID-19 standards.”

He added, “You will wish to recall that Bicourtney Services operators of the MM2 has for years been charging N2,500 as its PSC. Despite the operating PSC, some airlines recently moved operations from the General Aviation Terminal (GAT) . This increase will therefore afford FAAN the needed funds to upgrade our facilities to accommodate new airlines including the anticipated National carrier.”

Captain Ya did u called on all stakeholders to support the implementation of the reviewed PSC tariffs of N2,000 and $100 on the domestic and international routes effective 1st August, 2020 to ensure the cost associated reasonably recovered as well as improve on the dilapidated and decaying airport infrastructure and obsolete equipment.


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