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Africa: ATSEP members urge CAAs and ANSPs to invest more on relevant trainings for improved services


Members of Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel (ATSEP) want Civil Aviation Authorities, CAAs and all Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) in Africa to embark on relevant trainings to boost their services.

The was part of the decisions reached at the recent 8th International Federation of Air Traffic Safety Electronics Associations (IFATSEA) Region Africa Meeting hosted by Kenyan Air Traffic Systems Engineering Association (KATSEA) and Kenya Civil Aviation Authority (KCAA) In Nairobi, Kenya.

The aviation professional body stated that CAAs and ANSPs should as a matter of urgency, make use of International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) document 10057 and 1007 for ATSEPs and CNS inspectors, to invest and build their capacity through effective relevant training to the highest standard of their profession as a way of improving their competencies and service delivery to maintain safety and security.

In an official document containing highlights of the 3-day meeting signed by the President National Association Of Air Traffic Engineers (NAAE), Mr. Ishaya Chuwang Dung, the body stated that they recognised that some CAAs/ANSPs are already implementing ATSEP licensing to assure proof of competence, safety and security of the ATM/CNS systems, operations, monitoring and maintenance in accordance with 1.5 of ATSEP ICAO document 10057.

They however, added that there still remain a number of ATSEPs in some ANSPs/CAAs yet to legitimise ICAO doc 10057 and article 32 of the Chicago Convention.

According to them, they want such ANSPs/CAAs to give meaning to these important documents by implementing ATSEP licensing schemes in order for the safety regulator to effectively audit and regulate the ATSEP ATM/ CNS job activities.

IFATSEA further pointed out that, the omission of ATSEP license in ICAO Annex1 does not veto states/ CAAs/ANSPs from establishing standards and requirement in their regulations to include ATSEP licensing and filing the differences with ICAO.

The body also listed safety, security, Proof of competency for both ANSP and regulator, On-going and continuing automation of the ATC functions, Technology and emerging trends, Direct support and decision-making data to the aircraft/Pilots, Cross border activities or state –to-state technical systems intervention as some of the reasons why it encourages states/CAAs/ANSPs to implement ATSEP license.

Air traffic safety electronics personnel (ATSEP) is an ICAO term for the technical staff involved with the creation and support of the ground-based electronic.

The theme for the conference was “Aviation Safety and Security – ATSEPs Contributions” and it was aimed at bringing together ATSEPs in Africa and the aviation industry professionals to assess ATSEPs contributions to Aviation Safety and Security and discuss relevant topics necessary to enhancing ATSEPs and industry professional ethics in upholding safety and security at all levels.

The meeting had in attendance, the Director General of the Kenyan Civil Aviation Authority (KCAA), Capt. Gilbert Kibe, the Deputy Director General (Technical) of the Ghana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) Ing Charles Ebo Kraikue, the Interim IFATSEA President, Mr Thorsten Wehe, the IFATSEA Region Africa Director, Ing Frank Kofi Apeagyei, and the President of the Kenyan Air Traffic Systems Engineering Association (KATSEA) Eng. Robert Jere Omusonga.


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