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Sisu: Immortal, Resilient, Strong Faith in Nigerian Cultural Tourism Economy

Nigeria's President Bola Ahmed Tinubu

By Frank Meke. 

During the second world war, the people of Finland took the last brunt of the German Nazi army. The Germans were ruthless, literally eating flesh and drinking human blood. No mercy, brutish, and hellish. 

Trust a people pushed to the wall, the poor, peasant people of Finland knew that if they didn’t wake up and fight with bare hands, the ruthless Germans would turn their lands into a cemetery 

Trust women, they took their faith into their hands and with the spirit of Sisu, an unbelievable and unexplainable grit, the type that defies definition and cultural interpretation, these women encouraged by a diehard, unconventional exemplary and patriotic soldier who could confront any opposition singlehandedly,  not pandering to the so called rules of engagement, a problem to hypocrites and official shenanigans which could not protect their oppressed people, birthed the deliverance army and changed the course of the history of the second world war.

One significant transformational legacy left by the Sisu soldier is faith and resilience in the face of challenges and opposition. He is not interested in his pains, in popular opinion and acceptance but in defending his helpless people,  decimated and hounded to death by the ravaging army of the Germans who actually knew the tide of the war was about to turn against them. 

Sisu became the immortal  and unbreakable spirit of the people of Finland, a legendary history of a people who put to flight their oppressors and their handful praise singers..

Why this short story? I will try to be brief and honest. Our cultural tourism narratives are actually replete with the presence of German hounds, selfish appointees of government, and their praise servants in our sector who thought we should eat crumbs from their polluted tables and praise God.

I hardly wish to praise myself for standing up against the thieves of our collective interest in the cultural tourism trade and again, I warn, if you are lucky to come our way, to this beat and you think some hypocrites, the pharisees and sadducees in our industry,  will help you to to take us some hundred years backwards, then know that the Sisu spirit,  that resilient and immortal and unputdownable power that work for the good of mankind, will stand against you.  

Let me be more focal and intentional.  I am Sisu, and I possess the spirit, the fire power, the defying strength to confront you, and the ragtag army of praise singers and divisive elements amongst us.

Now, certain sadducees took to one  innocuous platform to announce to us narratives that could be likened to a woman who had a stillbirth. The guy an accomplished betrayer after the order of Judas, and in fact more fiendish than Judas rubbled about our industry to which he himself did nothing worthwhile other than bake and share poisoned pancakes to his simplistic crowds and the hounds mistakenly appointed to run our economy but who chose came to steal us blind.  

Otunba Segun Runsewe, we know him and his Sisu spirit. He is our cultural tourism soldier, incomparable, immortal in the mould of the resilient spirit of the Finland people. 

Runsewe is a giant, a lion, and I know him, more than the imposters who droll to steal and profess affiliation and discipleship. 

Otunba Segun Runsewe, as a lion with the Sisu spirit,and therefore can not birth a failure, a rattle snake, and a Judas. A lion can not beget a goat, the type that chews the cassava and the leaves,  fronting the desertification of the green biosphere space where he was opportuned to serve and protect. 

Weeks ago, I met with the new Director General of National Institute of Hospitality and Tourism (NIHOTOUR) Dr Abisoye Fagade The meeting was at his invitation, and I was all airs.

Fagade is not a medical doctor but a social scientist and a hospitality therapist, an investor with his own mind. However, if Fagade goes to town with the rubbish he found in NIHOTOUR,  someone should be talking to EFCC by now and with his fake friends.  

Before Fagade came, we  knew that nihotour was a cesspool of corruption,  decimated and hounded by the goats pretending to be leaders. Those of us with Sisu spirit and accused by the hypocrites and delusionary mongers stood against the rough necks  in NIHOTOUR and their community of deceptive followers.  

I think we should simply allow the failed former Minister of Tourism, lola Ade John, to rest. I won’t be tempted to take up someone who is down and out in any contest. In this business, there are rules, and we don’t fight blindly. We shall allow the dead to bury their dead, QED! 

Hannatu Musa Musawa is never my favourite minister or game changer expected to help us get to our cultural tourism promised land. I believe as a sisu soldier that Hannatu Musa Musawa won’t deliver, but if those who appointed her insist, she should stay put. My Sisu soldier philosophy is to change my strategy 

However, to those who possibly think that Hannatu Musa Musawa should be seen to attend their village meetings and events, I think that delusionary and simplistic expectation is dead on arrival.  Why should Hannatu Musa Musawa leave serious issues in the sector and smile before bewitched cameras at the one man show which is meaningless to our her calling? 

These deceptive rattle snakes forgot that all the photo sessions, award ceremonies, and sickly ECOGen projects they made Lola Ade-John to attend as minister of Tourism didn’t save her from being booted out. Shame to the overloaded egoistic and conceited selfish experts. They couldn’t save Ade John, and they are now targeting Hannatu Musa Musawa. It won’t work.  

Though not my business. If Hannatu Musa Musawa won’t learn from the failings of pretty but naive Lola Ade-John, then good radiance to greater mountainous rubbish. 

One thing is clear, as a nation and people, we must be wary of the crowd of betrayers and Judas of our collective vision and mission in this industry.  Hannatu Musa Musawa should be wary of these hounds. 

My good friend, Folarin Coker, knows them and shut his doors against them.  He actually was their nemesis and now that all their secret plans to get appointments in NIHOTOUR and NTDA as “experts” and noise makers have failed and fallen down like Humpty Dumpty,  they now recourse to stale moonlight stories. When the demons fail in their entrapment strategies in the coven, they came to the Open to cry for attention.  

Xmas is here, ooo. Abeg while you eat and dance, don’t give your foods to the dogs. In this clime, dogs, instead of lions, pretend that we should take them seriously. If you do so, the Sisu soldiers will  knock on your doorsteps, and you won’t like what you would get. Merry Christmas.


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