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PhotoNews: MMA end of the year Party

Mrs Victoria Shinaba, MMIA airport manager and manager South-West airports giving her speech during the MMA Staff End of the Year Party
L-R Director Operations FAAN Capt. Muktar Muye Mrs. Shinaba, MD FAAN Capt. Hamisu Ya dud u and Director Human Resources Mr. Norris Anozie
Cutting of the end of year cake by the MD FAAN surrounded by GMs, others
MD FAAN speaking at the party
MD FAAN presenting award of recognition
GM Corporate Affairs FAAN Mrs. Henrietta Yakubu representing an award to one of the recipients
Mrs. Shinaba, Chairman NUATE FAAN branch Comrade Shola Idowu and Comrade Alale, ANAP
Terminal Manager GAT 1 Mr. Aderibigbe presenting an award to a recipient
2nd left Comrade Idowu, GM SERVICOM Mrs. Ebele Okoye, Comrade Alale, Mrs. Idoko, SERVICOM and Mr. Aderibigbe
Caterers at the party
Staff at the party
Musical Entertainment
End of the year cake


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