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Nature Looks More Beautiful Captured With Canon


The Lekki Conservation Centre is adorned with natural greenery and unique serenity that isolates the 78-hectare natural resource conservation from everything Lagos is famous for including bustling traffic.

Irrespective of the beautiful natural greenery, the sheer colours of the centre is unimaginable when captured by the various latest Canon cameras during the one-day Canon photo nature walk as part of the celebration of the Canon Discovery Week in Lagos.

The fleeting natural moments became adorable with the thousands of clicks of the Canon cameras led by ace Canon Nigerian photographer, Hakeem Salaam who alongside many vibrant professional photographers captured detailed photos of the Lekki conservation Centre in a walk around the centre that lasted over 4 hours.

From the beautiful landscape of the centre, to the chilling monkeys, to the miniature millipedes, Canon cameras on use including the EOS-R Canon Mirrorless and more captured an amazing scenery. Certainly, nature looks more beautiful captured by Canon.  


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