Home Airlines China signs for 300 Boeing aircraft

China signs for 300 Boeing aircraft


China Aviation Supplies Holding Company (CASC) has signed orders and commitments covering 300 Boeing aircraft , valued at more than $37 billion at list prices.
The deal, which was signed in Beijing on Nov. 9, coincided with US president Donald Trump’s state visit to China. Chinese president Xi Jinping also attended the signing ceremony.
Boeing said the agreement includes orders and commitments for 300
single- and twin-aisle aircraft, although the manufacturer did not specify aircraft types.
According to some Chinese news reports, the 300 aircraft include 260 Boeing 737 family aircraft and a total of 40 aircraft from the 787 and 777 families.
Boeing Commercial Airplanes president and CEO Kevin McAllister described China as “a valued customer and a key partner.” More than 50% of all commercial jetliners operating in China are Boeing aircraft.
“Boeing and China have a strong history of working together based on great mutual respect, and these orders build on that foundation,” McAllister said.
China has a component role on every Boeing commercial aircraft model – the 737, 747, 767, 777 and the 787 – and over 9,000 Boeing aircraft fly worldwide with China-built parts and assemblies.
“Boeing and China continue to work on mutually beneficial ways to grow and support the aviation market. These efforts include industrial cooperation , the development of technologies to reduce aviation’s environmental impact and enhance sustainability, and continued cooperation to support the safety, efficiency and capacity of China’s air transport system,” Boeing said.



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