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Pilots File Fatigue Grievance Against American Airlines


American Airlines pilots have filed a labor grievance, claiming the airline is making pilots fly, despite risk of fatigue.

In a letter sent by the association to the Fort Worth-based carrier, they claim American is putting passengers and employees at risk by ignoring rules to keep tired passengers from flying.

Dennis Tajer with Allied Pilots says they have a simple request.
“Asking the company to cease and desist on the pressuring of our pilots through the removal of pay and other disciplinary actions, to fly when they have not had the proper rest as required by the FAA.”

He says when pilots point it out or complain, they are reprimanded, with money taken out of their paycheck.

In a statement the airline says safety is the cornerstone of all they do and they will work with the Allied Pilots Association to understand their concerns.

Last month, the board of the APA passed a no-confidence vote in Chairman and CEO Doug Parker, claiming American’s management has failed to implement the pilots’ contract signed in 2015 and is dragging its feet on pilot pay and other issues.



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