billions of naira in four years is tantamount to mocking the intelligence of the stakeholders and those who gave him the job!
Where are the indigent persons nihotour has changed their lives? Where are the eighty thousand Nigerians trained by NIHOTOUR, their names, gender, addresses, areas of study, and businesses that nihotour influenced or encouraged their placements? Where are they?
Today, the sectorial training intervention ecosystems that were budgeted for are shrouded in mysteries and confusion. Both ANJET and NATOP were not too sure of those shopped to masquerade their statutory rights. It’s controversy all the way, indicative of the weakness of a leader who does not understand how to manage his stakes.
Our call for a change of guards in nihotour and the pulling off the red carpet from the feet of Nura Kangiwa as Director General of NIHOTOUR, has nothing to do with the desirability of nihotour as vocational training school which is well thought out for the entire tourism industry.
The problem of our sector is the appointment of political magicians at the expense of core professionals, those who can prepare and present appropriate solutions to the problems of the industry.
Every fool can organise gastronomy or food festivals but will fail at inspiring a foodies economy that will impact positively on jobs creation and attract both local and international influence.
We need a competent, consistent, and trustworthy professional educationist , not a wishy, washy politician, as new NIHOTOUR Director General come September 2024.