Home Airlines NCAA urges airlines to automate remittance of 5% before march 31 deadline

NCAA urges airlines to automate remittance of 5% before march 31 deadline

DG NCAA capt. Mukhtar Usman
The Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) has given airlines in the country till the end of  march 31 to automate their remittance of the statutory 5% Ticket Sales/Cargo Sales Charge (TSC/CSC).
The Authority said the deadline for the automation earlier scheduled for January 31 was shifted at the instance of the Airlines Operators of Nigeria (AON) at their earlier  meeting with the Director General, Captain Muhtar Usman and his team at the Aviation House.
The introduction of the Aviation Revenue Automation Project (ARAP) for revenue collection is to aid data integrity , transparency, transaction accountability, controls and revenue assurance to  the Authority.
With the expiration of this final warning, spokesman for NCAA, Mr. Sam Adurogboye said, it is expected that all airlines that are yet to adhere to the automation and remit collected revenue  to NCAA  should comply forthwith.
He said failure to comply would be viewed seriously as the Authority would be forced to invoke the necessary provisions of the law against defaulting airline.
The 5% Ticket Sales Charge/Cargo Sales Charge, an Internally Generated Revenue[IGR] to NCAA and other Agencies as enshrined in the Civil Aviation Act 2006 is not a TAX or LEVY  on the airlines, but a charge paid by passengers for  services rendered towards the development of Aviation Industry in Nigeria.
  1. The decision to collect the charges by the airlines was mooted  by the operators and unanimously agreed upon at the 2001 Civil Policy Review with the sole aim to enhance passengers facilitation.


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