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“Don’t treat BASAs and MASAs with levity, use funds to develop critical facilities…..ART tells FG

L-R Dr. Harold Demuren, former DG, NCAA, president, ART, Elder Gbenga Olowo, Nick Fadugba former AFRAA Secretary General at the ART conference in Lagos

The Aviation RoundTable Safety Initiative, ART, after its 3rd Quaterly breakfast meeting in Lagos with the Theme: Nigerian Aviation Infrastructure: Development and Challenges has recommended among other things

➢ The need to have a culture of corporate governance and transparency in the business of managing the aviation sector, such that government and other parties in infrastructure-related commercial agreements in the industry should respect the terms of such agreements if the industry is to move forward. Therefore, existing concession/agreements that have developed into controversies affecting the entire industry should be resolved immediately in the interest of the industry taking cognizance of initial capital invested. Also, political interference should be avoided in the sector’s regulatory activities.

In a communique signed by Mr. Olu Ohunayo on behalf of the ART President, Elder Gbenga Olowo also added that

➢ There is a need for the establishment of an Inter-governmental Agency Stakeholder Group led by the regulator for the administration and management of BASA funds and for implementing our aviation development plans.

Additionally there should be an aviation projects implementation stakeholder teams in every airport.
➢ Bilateral Air Service Agreements (BASAs), Multilateral Air Service Agreements (MASAs) and International Routes are the nation’s infrastructure and assets, while air traffic rights are like oil blocks and therefore, should not be treated with levity in administration or by unilateral exploitation. Therefore, BASA funds should be used for critical-safety infrastructure development as provided for in the Civil Aviation Act 2006.

➢ There is a need to have surveillance cameras in and around every airport in Nigeria to be complimented with the establishment of Aviation Industry Cybersecurity Emergency Response Team (CERT) to enhance Aviation Security. Additionally, we need to enhance the airport perimeter fences where there are no security fences to sufficiently comply with Annex 17.
➢ With the increasing importance of Information Technology for massive levels of efficiency, effectiveness and profitability in air transport, an integrated aviation communication infrastructure should be established.

➢ With increase in traffic and number of aircraft in the Nigerian airspace over the years, the existing CNS/ATM Systems need to be optimized while improvements should be made to match capacity at the airports with the adoption of satellite and digital technologies.

➢ There is a need to ensure the provision of regular public power supply at the airports and all enroute stations nationwide which will naturally facilitate the continuous provision of safety – critical services.
➢ There is a need for local airlines to pull resources together and establish a local maintenance hangar as a way of minimizing their aircraft maintenance cost.

➢ For Nigerian airlines to attract funding facilities from financiers and institutions that are predominantly based outside Nigeria.Our airlines must be within these parameters; viability, capacity and the potentials to earn more revenue from commercial agreements in view of the weakness of the local currency.

Therefore, we urgently call for regulatory consolidation process that increases the minimum fleet for AOC issuance for scheduled passenger airline operations from two (2) aircraft to twenty (20) aircraft.
➢ The observed huge human capital deficiency in the industry needs to be rapidly addressed by establishing Human Capital Development Plans, Succession Planning and mentoring programme across the industry and organisations, with huge investments. We should deepen training in commercial,marketing and financial analysis which are the bedrock of profitability in the industry.



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