Home Uncategorized Air Peace Boss Urges Nigerians to Embrace Unity for National Development..

Air Peace Boss Urges Nigerians to Embrace Unity for National Development..


Air Peace Chairman, Dr. Allen Onyema, has called on Nigerians to reject divisive ethnic and religious nationalism and instead embrace a broader sense of national unity to drive the country’s development.

Speaking during a recent engagement session with travel agents in preparation for Air Peace’s London service launch, Onyema emphasized the importance of Nigerians leveraging their diverse backgrounds as a source of strength for achieving economic transformation, rather than letting it become a source of division.

He cited his own patriotism as the driving force behind his successful campaign to resolve the Niger Delta militancy, which ultimately led to the creation of the Amnesty Programme. Onyema believes that Nigerians need to demonstrate greater patriotism and unity to overcome the numerous challenges facing the nation.

“The challenges facing our nation should not be solely addressed by the government,” Onyema stated. “Everyone has a role to play in lifting Nigeria out of its economic difficulties.” He urged Nigerians to support the government’s efforts to improve the economy.


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